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Company Incorporation Form

(United Kingdom Private Company Limited by Shares)

Company Name

Registered Address

Unit 06, Building C, Marvan Court, 1 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, United Kingdom, TW11 8LZ

Service Address

Unit 06, Building C, Marvan Court, 1 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, United Kingdom, TW11 8LZ

Share Capital

All Ordinary Shares.

Pls advise if you do not choose Ordinary Shares.

Articles of Association


Nature of Business

Company Secretary

By Submitting this Form, I hereby confirm that:


  1. I am the ultimate beneficial / principal owner of the Company.

  2. Neither I nor any company that I have been involved in the directorship or management of, have ever been the subject of a regulatory judicial investigation; 

  3. The Company’s funds do not arise from, or will be used for, criminal or any other illegal activities;

  4. The file of the Company to be transferred to you contains all statutory documents and full records of the Company; 

  5. No legal advice has been received from any members of Union Alpha, and/or its related companies.  Accounting and/or tax advice, if required, is to be treated as a separate assignment. 

  6. I understand the legal and tax reporting requirements and other responsibilities in my country of residence and/or other applicable jurisdictions;

  7. All information provided in this form is true and correct;

  8. The matters raised in this document have been fully explained to me; and 

  9. Union Alpha is authorized to supply any of all of such information for due diligence purpose to the regulatory body if so requested and required under the relevant legislations.  I also undertake to notify you of any change to the above information.

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